Wednesday, May 18, 2011

These three lovely Chinese sophomore students at Zhaoqing University were my translators for the two week course as well as other activities. Their names are Portia, Bonne and Snow. They were a tremendous help to this old mei guo ren.

David in above picture is from Mexico City and got us all up dancing as this class at Nanjing University was learning about Central and South America(s). He did a great job.

Well, here it is two weeks after returning from this China trip and I can finally upload some pictures. The chip in my camera was not cooperating so had to try a different method with my son in law's equipment. I was gone from April 12th. until May 3rd. and took a lot of pictures, some I will share here. They range from Nanjing Universityhttp://nanjing%20university/ to Zhaoqing Universityhttp://zhaoqinguniversity/, a preschool in the city of Huaji http://huaji%20china/ chinaand a middle school in Zhaoqing called the Number One Middle Schoolhttp://number%20one%20middle%20school%20zhaoqing/. Hope you enjoy, and I will try to annotate a bit here and there. Thanks for looking!


Alanna said...

Nice to see you finally are able to put up pictures Dad. I love to see all the people you spent time with over in China. Alanna

Frank Redmond said...

Thanks, Alanna, you are my best customer! I'm having trouble uploading some pictures......there will be more shortly! Thanks! Dad